November 28, 2019

Outstanding Grads, Award Recipients Recognized on Honors Day

PBA News

Nine students were honored Tuesday as the outstanding graduates of their schools and 49 others received departmental awards and scholarships as part of Palm Beach Atlantic University’s Honors Day ceremony. The outstanding graduates each will receive special recognition during spring commencement on May 5.

In addition, one faculty member, Assistant Professor of Nursing Christine Brooks, received the Charles and Hazel Corts Award for Outstanding Teaching.

Dr. Barton Starr, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, presents the Outstanding Graduate Award to senior Craig Davidson. Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA) is a private, accredited, Christ-centered college located in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Dr. Barton Starr, right, dean of the School of Arts and Sciences, presents the Outstanding Graduate Award to senior Craig Davidson.♦   Craig Rutledge Davidson Jr. of Miami is the outstanding graduate in the School of Arts and Sciences. Davidson is a pre-law major who has volunteered with such organizations as the Susan G. Komen Global Race for the Cure, Hand-in-Hand Ministries and Operation Hope. He served in the U.S. Armed Forces and was awarded the Air Force Achievement medal for superior performance and outstanding achievement while deployed to Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar. Although he planned to attend law school, Davidson now hopes to devote his life to Christian ministry and service. After graduation, he will begin his studies in the master’s program at Dallas Theological Seminary.
♦   Michael R. Hureau of Raymond, N.H., is the outstanding graduate in the Rinker School of Business. Hureau is an international business major who is married and has a 20-month-old daughter. Prior to coming to PBA, he volunteered in Haiti, teaching English at a local school and working with an orphanage. Throughout his college career, he has worked in the guest services department at The Breakers in Palm Beach. He has completed internships with Haitian Partners for Christian Development, a nonprofit organization that works to create sustainability in Haiti through business training and development, and with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney as a wealth management intern. Last spring, Hureau traveled to Shanghai and Hong Kong on an international business trip with the business school. He is a member of the business honor society, Sigma Beta Delta, and after graduation he plans to move back to New Hampshire to work in the finance industry. He also plans to earn an M.B.A. and develop a social enterprise in Haiti, where he hopes to use his skills and knowledge to impact the lives of others effectively through business initiatives.

♦   Amber Braaten is the outstanding graduate in the School of Communication and Media. Braaten is a journalism major who has earned a place on either the Provost’s List or the President’s List in six different semesters. Her dedicated work is evident through her reporting efforts in both print and broadcast formats and in producing the television program The Corporate Clock for PBA. Braaten led a youth mission trip to New Mexico as a small group leader and activity director. She also worked as a summer intern at Country Music Television for the television series Top 20 and #1 Music and a Movie. Braaten is the captain of the women’s tennis team, was named an NCCAA All-American for Women’s Tennis in 2010 and received the Coaches Award in 2009 and 2010. She is the vice president and event coordinator for Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the vice president for the Student Athletic Advisory Committee. She is the student athletic advisor representative for all Independent Division II schools and the ethics and sportsmanship representative for all Division II athletics.

Nursing senior Katie TenHoeve receives the Outstanding Graduate Award from Dr. Joanne Masella, dean of the School of Nursing. Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA) is a private, accredited, Christ-centered college located in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Nursing senior Katie TenHoeve receives the Outstanding Graduate Award from Dr. Joanne Masella, dean of the School of Nursing.
 ♦   Casey Ray Schuring of Gilberts, Ill., is the outstanding graduate in the School of Education and Behavioral Studies. Schuring is an elementary education major specializing in exceptional student education. During his freshman year, he went on a mission trip to Haiti, and during his junior year he was a mission trip leader to Brazil. He is a member of Kappa Delta Epsilon, the education honor society. Schuring has participated in PBA’s Hearts for Haiti and Operation Christmas Child. He has served in a local church as a preschool Sunday School teacher. Upon graduation, he hopes to work as a special education teacher, and he would like to earn a master’s degree in educational leadership/administration.
♦   Denise Owens of Jupiter is the outstanding graduate in the Catherine T. MacArthur School. Owens will receive a degree in organizational management after having endured great personal adversity during her time at PBA. She persevered, completing one course at a time as she cared for her two young sons and her husband, who was diagnosed with a progressive, debilitating illness. He passed away on April 8. Owens works full time as the human resources director for Automotive Management Services, where she provides consulting for 70 automotive dealerships nationwide.

♦   Pat Thomas Tidwell of Niceville, Fla., is the outstanding graduate in the School of Ministry. Tidwell, who is majoring in biblical studies, grew up in a Christian home but did not consider himself to be a Christian. At the urging of his parents, enrolled at PBA as a pre-dental major. After only one semester, he surrendered to Christ and felt called into ministry. He has served as a Point 58 leader and led worship at regular PBA events. He was a member of the School of Ministry Traveling Team, which allowed him to preach, lead worship and share his testimony. Tidwell also was heavily involved in his church, leading discipleship groups and worship. After graduation, Tidwell plans to pursue a master’s degree at Denver Seminary in Colorado.

Outstanding graduate Denise Owens is congratulated by Dr. Jim Laub, left, dean of the Catherine T. MacArthur School, and her father, Charles R. Caruana, right. Palm Beach Atlantic University (PBA) is a private, accredited, Christ-centered college located in West Palm Beach, Florida, USA.
Outstanding graduate Denise Owens is congratulated by Dr. Jim Laub, left, dean of the Catherine T. MacArthur School, and her father, Charles R. Caruana, right.
♦   Jacob DiEdwardo of West Palm Beach is the outstanding graduate in the School of Music and Fine Arts. DiEdwardo is majoring in instrumental performance, and he was chosen for the award because of his superior work in solo recitals, orchestra, band and brass ensemble performances, as well as his high academic achievement. His talent and tenacious drive have afforded him numerous opportunities to play with professional music organizations throughout South Florida. After graduation, DiEdwardo plans to pursue a master’s degree in horn performance at Northwestern University.

♦   Katie Lee TenHoeve of Parrish, Fla., is the outstanding graduate in the School of Nursing. TenHoeve has been a presidential ambassador for the University and a nursing school peer tutor. She also represents PBA on the board of the Student Nurses Association and has served overseas in China and Guatemala. TenHoeve again plans to serve as the nurse for the Foundation of Dreams, a special needs summer camp, and she hopes eventually to specialize in pediatric nursing at All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, Fla.

♦   Gwyn R. Picerne of Lake Mary, Fla., is the outstanding graduate for the Orlando Campus. Picerne, who is majoring in organizational management, is fueled by an inner passion from God to love her family, including her husband and 15 children; to build her community; and to serve the kingdom of God. Picerne already is using the tools and training she has received at PBA to help rescue countless vulnerable children around the world in her role as co-founder and president of Embraced by Grace Adoption Agency in Central Florida.

Other award recipients on Honors Day included:

School of Arts and Sciences

Lucas Young, PBA Science Club/Arthur R. Marshall Foundation Scholarship

Samantha Loutzenhiser, Patricia Shiers Bailey Scholarship

Jessica Pinder, Palm Beach County Fishing Foundation Scholarship in Marine Biology

Taylor Mazzola, Society of Colonial Wars Scholarship

Daniel Diaz, Sons of the American Revolution-Palm Beach Chapter

Matt Crumb, Ben Starling III Excellence in Public Service Award

Alissa Cutforth, Swick Mathematics Award

Allegra Nothaft, Outstanding Graduate-Biology

Christopher Jensen, Outstanding Graduate-English

Taylor Mazzola, Outstanding Graduate-History

Logan Thomas, Outstanding Graduate-Mathematics

Carissa Iverson, Outstanding Graduate-Medicinal and Biological Chemistry

Gregory Bromley, Outstanding Graduate-Philosophy

Kimberly Twoey, Outstanding Graduate-Political Science

Craig Davidson, Outstanding Graduate-Pre Law

Rinker School of Business

Alicia Collins, Philip Billings Memorial Scholarship

Aris Rogers, Outstanding Graduate-Finance

Kimberly Twoey, Outstanding Graduate-International Business

Aaron Rodewald, Outstanding Graduate-Management

Janessa Edwards, Outstanding Graduate-Marketing

School of Communication and Media

John Hedger, Outstanding Graduate-Communication

Anthony Donovan, Outstanding Graduate- Journalism and Entertainment Media

Erin Welsh, Outstanding Graduate-Theatre

School of Education and Behavioral Studies

Kassandra Alexander, Amanda Helmick, Megan Slominski, Whitney Smith and Sasha St. Louis, Bebe Warren Scholarship

Mylissa Fraser, Jennifer Criss Memorial Scholarship

Scott Cotto, John W. and Almarene W. Outlaw Scholarship

Deva Naranjo, Joanna Whitney Memorial scholarship

Jacqueline Struthwolf, W.C. Woodring Award for Outstanding Physical Education Major

Brett Bailey, ProTeen Award

Bailey Doolin, Dona Thornton Scholarship

Daniel King, Outstanding Graduate-Physical Education

Megan Seeds, Outstanding Graduate-Psychology

Catherine T. MacArthur School

Colby Alonso, Emancipatory Adult Leader Award

Beth McCauley, Pellerin Breaux Scholarship

School of Ministry

Jeremy Barnett, Outstanding Graduate-Biblical and Theological Studies

John Baggerman, Outstanding Graduate-Ministry Leadership Studies

Jordan Kong, Outstanding Graduate-Cross-Cultural Studies

Debra Connett, Outstanding Graduate-Ministry

School of Music and Fine Arts

Anna Olson, Outstanding Graduate-Dance

Daigelis Rodriguez, Outstanding Graduate-Music

Honors Program

Molly Waldron, PBA Freshman Honors Award

Chris Jensen, Frederick M. Supper Honors Program

Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP)

Mary Gregg, Outstanding Freshman Writing Award

Interdisciplinary Research Conference Awards

Olivia Anderson, Outstanding Student Poster

Taylor Mazzola, Outstanding Student Research Presentation

Dr. Thomas Chesnes, Outstanding Faculty Research Presentation

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