“Four Families in Mafraq,” a faculty-produced, student-directed documentary that follows the stories of four refugee families living in Jordan, won a Suncoast Regional Emmy Award.
This is the film’s ninth award. Journalism Professor Israel Balderas, Student Director Tim DeMoss ’20 and Epilogue Director Sarah Roulette ’20 shot the film while embedded with intercultural studies students and faculty on two humanitarian relief trips.
Watch the documentary here.
The film’s other awards are:
- Fort Worth Indie Film Showcase, Best International Feature Student Film (2019)
- U.S. International Film and Video Festival, Outstanding Creative Excellence Award (2019)
- Communicator Awards, Award of Excellence, Student and Documentary Video categories (2019)
- Great Lakes International Film Festival, Documentary and Religion Short Official Selection (2019) (two nominations)
Florida Association of Broadcast Journalists (College), Public Affairs First Place (2020) - Ava Digital Awards, Platinum, Long-Form Video (2020)
Communicator Awards, Award of Excellence, Student Online Video (2020) - The Telly Awards, Gold Award, Non-Broadcast Student Category (2020)