Missions Makers' Society

The Missions Makers’ Society exists to establish 50 annually-recurring scholarships of $250 or more to support student involvement in medical missions trips launched out of the Gregory Center for Medical Missions.


We believe in the transformational power of these spiritual, personal, and professional learning experiences, and the financial support of this Society will broaden the opportunities and ease the financial burden on GSOP student participants.
The Missions Makers’ Society requests a five-year commitment, which will allow for the secure planning of scholarship disbursements.

In recognition of your generosity and support, Missions Makers will receive the following:

  • Recognition on GSOP Connect and in digital and print media as a member of the Missions Makers’ Society.
  • An invitation to the Gregory Center for Medical Missions Annual Forum
  • Letters, photos, and texts from the mission field.
  • Additional surprises
Thank you for your heartfelt commitment to the Missions Makers’ Society as we help make a way through supporting this important component of the GSOP student experience.

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