Sarah Baker and Sam + Sarah Constanzo

Tauni de Lesseps Art Gallery, Warren Library 300 Pembroke P, West Palm Beach, FL, United States

Co-curated with John Loscuito, Wasmer Gallery of Art, Florida Gulf Coast University. Reception: February 20, 6-7:30 pm

Day of Giving

Join Palm Beach Atlantic University to Celebrate Day of Giving! Beginning at noon on March 19, alumni, parents, students, faculty, and friends will have 24 hours to come together in support of PBA’s mission to provide a transformative Christian education. We invite you to support the area of your choice to make a lasting impact […]

The Challenge of Flourishing Together

Upper Weyenberg

Join us for a discussion exploring men and women as allies in ministry and the academy. The workshop will be led by Dr. Christa McKirland, Dean of Faculty and a Lecturer in Systematic Theology at Carey Baptist College in New Zealand. Dr. McKirland’s presentation will be followed by table discussions and reflective responses from Dr. […]

Continued Learning Courses with the Counselor Education Department

Upper Weyenberg

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage/Relationships Work with Chris Cambas, LMFT, and Relationship Expert: Coach, Mentor, Speaker, Certified Gottman Therapist & Trainer, Co-Founder of CoupleStrong. The Seven Principles Workshop for Couples is a two-day marriage workshop based on the internationally acclaimed research of Dr. John Gottman, which was presented in his New York Times bestselling […]

7 Principles for Making Marriage Work

Upper Weyenberg

The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work is the bestselling and acclaimed culmination of four decades of research, presented in an accessible format to anyone who longs for stronger, healthier relationships. *$249 per couple *$149 – PBA students – must call directly to register (813) 960-0001 Includes 9 CES for Clinicians. Friday evening, March 21st, […]

Student Choreography Showcase

Vera Lea Rinker Hall 326 Acacia Rd, West Palm Beach, FL, United States

The PBA Student Choreography Showcase features original choreographic works in a diverse array of styles and genres created by Palm Beach Atlantic University students. This vibrant concert highlights the students’ creative gifts and talents in choreography, lighting design, stage management, and event production. Don’t miss this opportunity to witness and celebrate the innovation of our […]

Women’s Lacrosse Sailgating

Rinker athletic campus

Enjoy PBA Sailgating at 4 p.m. before the Women’s Lacrosse Game starting at 5 p.m. There will be food and Sailfish Spirit activities. Then join the PBA community in the stands as we cheer on our team.