May 12, 2023

A Mother’s Day Message

PBA News

Dear PBA community,
When I became a mother, I feared my dream of becoming a nurse was no longer possible. Motherhood itself is incredibly challenging, and the added responsibilities of being a student made it even more difficult. When I got pregnant with my first child in 2020, I was still in college pursuing my Associate of Arts degree. I wanted to quit because I thought I could not handle both pregnancy and school, but my faith, dedication, and the support of my lovely husband encouraged me to continue. I graduated 7 months pregnant in December 2020, and my daughter was born in February 2021. In August 2021, when my baby girl was 6 months old, I made the decision to start the nursing program at Palm Beach Atlantic University. I told myself that against all odds I would start the program and finish strong.

Things were not easy. Between working, taking care of the baby, and keeping up with classes, clinics, Workship hours, and Chapel, my hands were full. But thanks to many prayers, support from my husband, and consistent dedication and effort, I successfully passed the first two semesters. As I was beginning my third semester, I found out I was pregnant again. During that third semester, I thought many times about stopping school and beginning again after I had delivered our second baby. Still, I felt that I could not give up on my journey, so I kept going.

It was a struggle. Being pregnant, taking care of a toddler, and going to school full-time was no easy task! But once again, with countless hours of study and hard work and with plenty of prayers and support, I successfully passed the semester and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Now, I have just finished my fourth semester and am heading into my fifth and final semester of the nursing program.

As a Christian, I believe that God will always make a way no matter how impossible the situation may feel. My faith has helped me overcome many difficult and almost impossible situations. I always put God first and believe that he will make a way when people may say there is no way. As Luke 1:38 says: “On your path, right now, you may be facing what seems to be an unbearable task. But if you will trust God and keep on moving in faith, He will make a way somehow, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

Rather than making my dreams impossible, being a mother gave me an even greater motivation to accomplish my goals. I wanted to set an example for my children of how faith and dedication can allow us to overcome challenges, and to inspire them that they, too, can do whatever they set their minds to and bring God glory through the journey. With the Lord, all things are possible.

Agoustine Louis Jean

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