August 19, 2020

School of Ministry Professor Wins Corts Award for Outstanding Teaching

PBA News

Dr. Karelynne Ayayo, professor of biblical and theological studies, has won the Charles & Hazel Corts Award for Outstanding Teaching.

In nominating Ayayo for the honor, one of her faculty colleagues said, “She invests so much in her students, working hard on every detail of course design, policy and more to serve the student’s learning.”

Another colleague said, “Karelynne has exhibited the ability to innovate and adjust to new and challenging circumstances, always with her eyes firmly set on the goal: to form students for God’s kingdom through developing their knowledge, skill and character.”

Ayayo has taught at PBA since 2004. She earned her Bachelor of Arts from The College of Wooster; two Master of Arts degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary; and a Doctor of Theology from Boston University. She teaches courses in Bible, New Testament, hermeneutics and intercultural studies. In addition to formal teaching, she embraces opportunities to enter into deeper mentoring relationships with female students.

She and her husband, Michael, and their two children frequently open their home to others for hospitality and fellowship. Her family’s own experiences have opened doors for Ayayo to minister in the adoption and autism communities.

Former PBA President Dr. Paul R. Corts and his wife, Diane, established an endowment to provide the annual award in honor of his parents and in recognition of their commitment to higher education.


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