The Johnson Scholarship Foundation, which has an ongoing, generous commitment to provide scholarships to PBA students, recently featured PBA’s Workship program on its blog.
Workship is PBA’s distinctive community service program that responds to human needs with Christ-like action in the community and the world. For many students, the experience helps them discern their vocation.
Workship Director Nathan Chau shared how a Johnson Scholarship made a difference in the life of Judson Crawford. Crawford came to PBA as a transfer student and discovered his calling to law enforcement through his involvement as a Workship leader with the Rosemary Village Afterschool Program.
The University is grateful for the support of the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, which has made a PBA education possible for more than 6,300 students to date. The private foundation exists to serve disadvantaged people by assisting them to obtain education and employment. Read more about the foundation’s work.